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It rained a bit Wednesday night, so we went to one of our alternate parks to hike rather than risk muddy trails at the trails park we usually frequent.

I almost chickened out though.

We woke up to high winds blustering through the tall trees that surround our house and I was tempted to just stay home for the day. I dislike the wind and was not looking forward to going for a hike in the cold while being buffeted by the wind.

After temperatures in the 60s and 70s for several days prior, having the temps drop to the mid-30s was a bit of a shock to our bodies.

By the time we ate breakfast and got dressed though, the wind had died down, so it wasn’t too bad while we were hiking. During naptime after lunch the wind picked back up with a vengeance, so our timing was just right.

The hidden treasure of this hike

An old spring.

we could just see a little bit of water under the leaves

There was a small sign that said the family that lived nearby used the spring for water and to keep food cool. There was a farmhouse in the area, but it wasn’t super close to the spring, which makes me wonder if they lived in a different house that has disappeared in the intervening years.

we found an inlet of a nearby reservoir

These winter hikes are a little dull and brown without foliage to liven things up. On the other hand, it’s much easier to see the surrounding areas without all the undergrowth blocking the way.

not much to see that’s colorful, but we can see farther without the greenery

We did see a number of male and female cardinals hanging out near a bird feeder. The bright red of the males’ plumage was a nice contrast to the brown trees, but the duller females blended in the with the brush.

it’s hard to see the females, but you can see several male cardinals in the bush

The states to our north were supposed to get a lot of snow Wednesday and Thursday, but we were a bit too far south to get any. We just got high winds that knocked our power out for a couple hours. While we were hiking we spotted a few snowflakes drifting down, but that was it.

What interesting things have you found while hiking recently?

I almost chickened out on our weekly hike. We woke up to high winds blustering through the tall trees that surround our house and the temp had dropped to the mid-30s. I was not looking forward to going for a hike in the cold while being buffeted by the wind. But you know what? The hike was filled with little treasures that reminded us why we go. More at