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Have you ever been to a playscape? What is a playscape?

Here in central Virginia we have two different playscapes that we’ve visited and enjoyed.


Boxerwood is a botanic garden and outdoor playspace that’s been open since 1997. The last time we went was when River was about 6 months old, so it’s been awhile, but now that the boys are older we need to go back. It’s such a fun place. They’ve done a really good job of using natural elements to form a mud kitchen, a playhouse, tunnels, trails, and so many other fun features.


Have you ever been to a playscape? What is a playscape? Here in central Virginia we have two different playscapes that we've visited and enjoyed. Go to to find out what a playscape is and why we like them.


Have you ever been to a playscape? What is a playscape? Here in central Virginia we have two different playscapes that we've visited and enjoyed. Go to to find out what a playscape is and why we like them.
mud kitchen fun


Have you ever been to a playscape? What is a playscape? Here in central Virginia we have two different playscapes that we've visited and enjoyed. Go to to find out what a playscape is and why we like them.
giant chair and in-progress branch house



Wildrock is a playspace that just opened in 2017. We had the opportunity to go as a family at the end of last summer and had a great time exploring. The kids and I went back for another visit this month, and it was just as fun the second time around. I love the open-ended play options indoors and out.

The indoor play stations are especially nice when it rains (which has happened both times we’ve visited). The stream is probably the kiddo’s favorite place to play, but it was off limits on our most recent visit because the water level was too high due to all the rain we’ve gotten lately.


Have you ever been to a playscape? What is a playscape? Here in central Virginia we have two different playscapes that we've visited and enjoyed. Go to to find out what a playscape is and why we like them.
fishing station


Have you ever been to a playscape? What is a playscape? Here in central Virginia we have two different playscapes that we've visited and enjoyed. Go to to find out what a playscape is and why we like them.
no one can resist the giant salamander and the beautiful surroundings


Have you ever been to a playscape? What is a playscape? Here in central Virginia we have two different playscapes that we've visited and enjoyed. Go to to find out what a playscape is and why we like them.
the tunnels are great for critters of all varieties


Have you ever been to a playscape? What is a playscape? Here in central Virginia we have two different playscapes that we've visited and enjoyed. Go to to find out what a playscape is and why we like them.
the little boys really loved the stream and the sandbox


Have you ever been to a playscape? What is a playscape? Here in central Virginia we have two different playscapes that we've visited and enjoyed. Go to to find out what a playscape is and why we like them.
during our first visit, in the evening we hiked to a meadow and a small spring above the playscape


It’s hard to compare Boxerwood and Wildrock since they are different, but they both promote creative outdoor play and are enjoyable for the whole family. Do you have playscapes in your area? Do they go by a different name in your area?


Have you ever been to a playscape? What is a playscape? Here in central Virginia we have two different playscapes that we've visited and enjoyed. Go to to find out what a playscape is and why we like them.