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I’ve started running outside again.
This is significant because I haven’t been able to for some time because of scheduling conflicts and having three kids but a stroller that only seats 2. Well, Sunshine is much too big for the stroller, but she also can’t keep up with me on foot. And the roads around our house are too narrow and cars drive too fast for it to be safe to run on them.
So running outside just hasn’t been an option for awhile now.
On recent Saturday mornings though, a friend and I have started running by ourselves, without kids. It’s glorious. It’s nice to go running without the kiddos since running while pushing a jogger messes up your form. The fresh air is a nice benefit as well.
I usually run inside on the treadmill, so the only breeze I feel on my face is the one from the ceiling fan. It’s not the same as being outside with an actual breeze blowing on my face. And I don’t really enjoy running on the treadmill. In the past I’ve described it as “soul-sucking”. Right now it’s not so bad, but it’s definitely not my preferred running location.
Running outside has reminded me that it’s much easier to run outside than inside on the treadmill. And so much more enjoyable.
The cold fresh air is invigorating. The tree-lined gravel road we run on is peaceful and infrequently traveled. Uninterrupted conversation with a good friend is priceless. Working hard and pushing our post-baby bodies is hard, but it feels so good.
How do you feel about running outside?