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I love hiking in the spring. It's such a great time to be in nature. The sights, the sounds, the smells. We'd like to learn to identify birds visually and by their calls, but even without knowing what we're seeing or hearing, it's still awe-inspiring. Read about our spring time hiking experience at

I love hiking in the spring. It’s such a great time to be in nature. The sights, the sounds, the smells. We’d like to learn to identify birds visually and by their calls, but even without knowing what we’re seeing or hearing, it’s still awe-inspiring.

Recent Sights

Goslings (so cute and fuzzy!) swimming with their parents.

Turtles basking on logs in the sun.

Large trees felled by busy beavers.

A plethora of plump polliwogs swimming in the shallows.

A funky green and black caterpillar hiding in a rotting tree.

Piles of oak pollen on the porches.

Flowers of all shapes and sizes.

Yellowy-green leaflets unfurling into dark green leaves.

Stream water trickling under the bridge.

Brightly colored male birds flirting with the drab colored females.

Foxes flitting through the woods.

Lightning slashing across the horizon.

Rainbows reaching across the sky.

I love hiking in the spring. It's such a great time to be in nature. The sights, the sounds, the smells. We'd like to learn to identify birds visually and by their calls, but even without knowing what we're seeing or hearing, it's still awe-inspiring. Read about our spring time hiking experience at

Recent Sounds

Spring breezes rustling through the leaves and grass.

Bullfrogs bellowing in their ponds.

Hail pounding on the deck and lawn.

Thunder booming in the skies.

Birds calling to each other in their many languages.

I love hiking in the spring. It's such a great time to be in nature. The sights, the sounds, the smells. We'd like to learn to identify birds visually and by their calls, but even without knowing what we're seeing or hearing, it's still awe-inspiring. Read about our spring time hiking experience at

Recent Smells

Flowers popping up from the ground and unfolding on the trees.

Rain washing away pollen and soaking the ground.

Freshly tilled dirt, waiting for seeds.

Musty leaf mold scuffed by passing feet after a long winter laying on the ground.

Freshly mown grass perfuming the breeze.


What are your favorite sights, sounds, and smells of spring?

Participating in the 52 Hike Challenge has been such a great experience for our family, and you can be a part of it, too. The 52 Hike Challenge does not operate on a calendar year, so you can sign up at any time throughout the year, and you have 12 months to complete 52 hikes. Sign up using my link and I’ll earn a small commission at no additional charge to you. You can also click on the 52 Hike Challenge image in the right sidebar.

I love hiking in the spring. It's such a great time to be in nature. The sights, the sounds, the smells--from goslings (so cute and fuzzy!) swimming with their parents to turtles basking on logs in the sun. More at