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Everyone knows that taking children out on adventures can be chancy. The experience might be really good, really bad, or somewhere in the middle.
Take our most recent hike.
The weather was nice, so I was hoping for a good hike. I knew River wasn’t feeling 100% healthy, since he’d had a runny nose for several days, but I didn’t think it would impact our hike too much.
However, when he tripped and skinned his knee he wasn’t able to brush it off as easily as he would have if he was feeling well.
Luckily I had my handy little first aid kit (similar here) in my pack, so I pulled out some band aids and plastered them on his knee after giving him hugs and kissing it better.

We went on our way and had a good hike, though there was some exaggerated limping on his part for a little bit. In the course of our hike he tripped and fell several more times and I ended up holding his hand for a good portion of the time to keep him from falling.
I don’t always break out the fruit snacks during our hikes, since our hikes tend to be on the short side. That was not the case this time though. I broke out the fruit snacks twice while we worked our way around the loop we were on, both times giving each kiddo a couple fruit snacks to boost their spirits and their energy.

Normally a band aid can fix anything, but River’s illness proved too much for the power of the band aids. If he hadn’t been under the weather, the band aids would have taken care of everything and the hike would have progressed without incident.
Have you experienced the power of band aids? Have they ever failed you?