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We finally had a rainy day that coincided with a hike day, so we broke out our rain gear. I bought Oakiwear trail suits for the boys (Sunshine and I had raincoats already) a while ago, but they hadn’t had a chance to try them out.
Ocean thought his tiny Oakiwear rain boots were the best. He’s worn them a time or two in our yard, but never on a hike. He thought he was such a big kid.
It had rained earlier in the morning, but by the time we arrived for our hike the rain had tapered off and most of our hike was fairly dry, which was actually a bit disappointing. We’d all been looking forward to really giving our rain gear a chance to shine. We did get dripped on while under the trees and the rain started up again when we were almost done, so it wasn’t a complete wash. The kids didn’t mind the rain- they thought it was great.
The trail suits worked great for keeping the boys clean and dry. Ocean didn’t get muddy since he was on my back most of the hike, but River laid on the bridge and got his trail suit muddy while keeping his clothes clean.

The weather was a little cool, but not super cold. The boys had fleeces under their trail suits and River was too warm- we could have left his fleece in the car and he’d have been warm enough. Ocean was fine since he wasn’t walking the whole time.
Since we’ve only used the trail suits once so far, I’m reserving judgment on their long-term durability. The true test will come when River wears his trail suit around our yard. If it can survive the combination of River and our yard, it can survive anything.
What’s your favorite rain gear?