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Adventures can be big or small.

They can be new experiences or old ones revisited.

Sometimes we learn from them, sometimes we just enjoy the experience. And sometimes it’s not particularly enjoyable but we learn from it anyway.

Most of our adventures revolve around getting outside. Hikes, road trips, homesteading activities, and so on.

But some of our adventures occur indoors. Homeschooling, the GAPS diet to improve my health (anyone who’s done GAPS knows that it is not for the faint of heart), and building a couple online businesses that will bring the freedom of choice to our future.

I’m pretty good at planning the big adventures, but by their very nature they don’t happen frequently. Which is why we’re working to be more consistent with our smaller adventures. They don’t require much planning- it’s more about making it a habit.

But since we have had some fun adventures in the past, I’ll revisit some of them as well.